The Stream

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Gotta Love Steve Jobs

With all of Steve's fortune and hard work, he was kind enough to offer a free summer camp for anyone 8yrs and older to learn how to film and edit a movie. Becket enjoyed it, he had a cool Jamaican buddy taking care of him, a T-shirt, and a disc to take home. It was Mon and Tuesday 9-10:30 and then Saturday to watch the films. The girls didn't mind playing on the Ipads while I browsed in Crate and Barrel.


Rachel Oswald said...

He was a pretty cool guy. I just read that one of his homes was burglarized, but they caught the fool quickly after he turned on one of the computers.

Becket is a stud!

jweed said...

you go, becket! how did the movie turn out?