The Stream

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Cooking Survival

Cooking Survival 101- Must eat Brownies to stay sane.

We attempted to make brownies in the Easy Bake I found buried underneath the stairs.


The light bulb of a oven did not bake our brownies! Not that I had a whole lot of faith in it, but you let us down EB. You let us down.  At least, there was a lot of brownie batter to test and we were happy it didn't kill us.

This bad boy of a crockpot/pressure cooker is keeping us afloat though! It's made some crazy good fish dinners and has given us 2 hot meals in the last week.


I also pressure cooked my leftover brownie batter in it and they were out in less than 5min I. KID. You. Not. Brownies--crispy on the edges and gooey in the middle.


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