Mat was being inducted into the ocular plastics society, so naturally, we flew down...without kids. We called this our end of the long road celebration. It was held at the Dove Mountain Resort just outside of Tucson, AZ. We have some friends that we went to med school with in Scottsdale, so we broke up our time and spent part of the time there and part of the time at the resort. The saguaro cacti (pronounced sa-wah-row, sounds like you can't say your awres-- say it fast 3xs), were beautiful and the heat was stingish.
Step 1) Drop off kids with Grandma and Grandpa
Step 2) Board the plane and prep puke bag--luckily I didn't use it
Step 3) See the Rodgers and pick up Julie
Step 4) Wake up and go boating
Step 5) Get those moles checked out on my back
Step 6) meditate or something?
Step 7) Swim across the lake like a whole 2 miles, I swear.
Step 8) Find a sweet shop and devour--10lb gummy bear
Who's your daddy?
Step 9) Hang out for laughs after a pleasing dinner at the Herb box
Step 10) Mat wakes up and runs 17 mi to Tom's Thumb. It was a Forrest Gump thing where he just kept on running. Happens all the time.
The thumb
The blooms
Step 11) Get pedicure for the first time in my seven year drought. I even got the gel nails, which I've always wanted to try! Love them, let's see if they hold up to rock climbing.
Hope W's nails are dry?
As I always say, once you have gnarly feet, you always have gnarly feet, even if they are polished.
Step 12) Drive to the resort, enjoy fancy homemade s'mores, a drive in a Camaro, a pool and the gnats that go with it, and a nap.
Step 13) The induction dinner at Old Tucson where hundreds of movies were filmed including most of John Wayne's, Little House on the Prairie from 1977-1983, and the Three Amigos.
Dead man laughing, I think not!
My new can-can sisters all sporting way more cleavage than I'll ever sport-EVER.
Step 15) Tour the Taliesin West Winter Home by Frank Lloyd Wright. Gave me inspiration for our 70's home.
Front Door
And that ends our trip. We flew home yesterday just in time to catch the solar eclipse as we were getting into our car. We're now playing catch up, where's my Ritz Carlton wait staff when I really need them? I can get my own dang towel and carry-ons, but will you come and do 3 loads of laundry, grocery shop, unpack, check homework, and bathe my kids? I'll tip you good.
The conference for next year was announced to be held in Newport, Rhode Island. One of my favorite places in the country see last year's
visit. Very exciting if anyone cares to join us.