To finish it off with a bang...They had a lovely whipped cream fight at a neighbor's house. What a great idea!


There are no durings of Micah because she stayed in the safe zone with this weapon eating her whipped cream from the can.


I had to laugh because you get to know your children so well. The first thing Gretchen did when she got home was open her report card to see if she passed 3rd grade. She saw all the C's and became extremely distraught. C means consistently. She was also concerned that her dot on her test performances had dipped to WAY above average to way above average.

Then there are my other two children who probably should have cared about their report cards. After reading their report cards, I know we have some catching up to do in math. Each of my children so different. That's why you can count on Mr. Mayor Becket making this for the T-shirt contest.

Welcome summer!

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