And she also cut her eye open after falling out of bed during the night. That was out of our control. She's had a rough week.
We have managed to squeeze in a few things, like our first REAL soccer game for Ellie's birthday.

Wish I would have got a picture of that cute Ellis girl. She's sitting right behind Beck and Gret. That's her sister Grace, but no El.

We've had many Home Depot trips

Furniture Trips

Ice cream trips

Trip on some LEGOS trips

Visit the cousins trips

They've been micro spurts of fun, but you start to feel a tad guilty jipping them of thier summer normalcy. Although, I don't think any of us can remember our parents entertaining us everyday either. They'll be quite alright.
Becket has even made a go to menu for lunches. Way to step up and take responsibility Beck.

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