Gretchen is pretending to wash her hands. Her pictures usually involve flexing muscles. Correction: any picture of hers involves flexing her muscles. The mirrors Mat made are up against the wall. He found these mirrors going on Etsy for $250. He managed to buy himself some walnut, glass, and a glass cutter and save us some cash by making them himself. Maybe I'll have him sell these mirrors and he'll become rich and famous.

We bought this super power Toto Drake II for Becket specifically. It's supposed to be designed to NOT clog. I think they underestimated the power of this kid. He clogged it the first time. No toilet has the strength to flush his royal dukes. I think Toto should request to fly Becket out personally to redesign a clog proof toilet.

There you have it. We used school house green chalkboard paint on the walls. I will have to post our plans for these at a later time.

I love Greti's muscles. What a tough gal. By the way, I want to see a nice head shot of Mat's hair. Is he sporting a new 'do these days?
you should flex in any picture, mic! love the bathroom. looks like it will be easy clean-up. just wipe those walls!!
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