The Stream

Thursday, May 29, 2014

To Do This Week

#1- Finish touch ups

#2 Clean out this dusty closet and decide on a fun color for the background of the closet to the right. I lean towards a happy green, Mat's towards a rich orange. I'll grab samples tomorrow seeing how I am beat right now.


#3 Finish the tongue and groove on the ceiling


#4 Finish Barn Door


#5 Clean the dust and collections out of the kid's rooms-this was just what Micah had stashed under her bed!


#6 And try not to die while I finish up Spirit Week at the elementary



#7 and reports--


#8 and #9 find a new wood floor guys since he can't do it for another 3wks and call the cabinet guy to tell him I CAN'T WAIT FOR FOUR WEEKS TO GET MY CUPBOARDS IN (when he's had 15 wks to make them)

1 comment:

jweed said...

how are you still alive at this point?!!