The Stream

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Barn Dance-walls going up

Sheetrockers have arrived and they are the most hard working duo. They have given me walls, which I have to admit, these walls seemed like a stranger in the home when I became so accustomed to 2X4s and insulation.


The sleek half wall is coming together nicely and I like the interesting look.


This is our homework station hub.  There will be a stainless steel desk where Gretchen is standing.  It will be inspiring to look out at the mountains while I write my poetry, I mean my to do lists.  In the cubby down to the left is where all of our internet modems/cables will go.  I'm hoping our cell booster still works, so far it's been pretty spotty.  Technology is so bipolar.   You put it in the center of the house as recommended and it hot and then cold, hot and then cold.



Here's our cleaning closet.  This was taken from the laundry room hallway.  I'm hoping to store my jetpack vacuum in this handy closet. My cabinet guy and contractor thought this closet was way too deep, but if I've got the space, I'm going to use it, said the woman.  I can store crockpots, ice cream makers, children, and extra appliances in there.  The space will be used.


This week, work on tongue and groove for front room, get a measurement on windows and wait 3wks for them to come in, and maybe, just maybe, I can paint the ceilings. Oh yeah, and about that marathon I was supposed to be training for Saturday, I'll give it my best shot.  How's that? (bad timing for a marathon)

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