The Stream

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Back To School Night Reports

Me: "Hi, I'm Becket's mom, Micki, and this is Mat, his dad."
Mat: "Hi nice to meet you."
Teacher: "Hi."
Me: "Real quick, I have to share what Becket said in his prayer last night. He prayed that the class would be quiet while you were out in the hall so that the class wouldn't get in trouble when you came back in. He said the kids were being way too noisy and he was worried."
Teacher laughs then tries to explain why she was out in the hall and not in class, which I could care less and I completely understand why.
Me: "How's he doing?"
Teacher: "He is soooo quiet. He hardly says a peep, but he is doing well. He's a good kid."
Me: "Rewind, did you say, hardly says a peep?"

Moving onto Gretchen's teacher

Me: "Hi, nice to meet you again, this is Gretchen's Dad, Mat."
Miss Angel: "Gretchen is doing really well. Let's see, what can I tell you about Gretchen, she is a natural at public speaking. If the kids are to get up and tell about a picture they drew, she speaks clearly, enunciates, and and can talk to the audience as if she were giving a speech. I am just impressed how well she can communicate. She also like to answers questions. We can always count on her for that."
Me: "Uh-huh."
Miss Angel: " I do have to say that the other day she did break down because she was asked to cut out a heart and because she couldn't make one perfectly she started to cry and put her head down. I told her it was alright and that it didn't have to be perfect. I even got some play-dough and wadded it up in my hand and whacked it on the table to show her that this is what a real heart looks like. She then broke down even harder, bless her heart the little perfectionist, I just ended up making the heart for her because I felt so bad."
Me: "Uh-huh."

That about 'SPLAINS it!

Here's a picture of them the next morning after back to school night:

Micah is totally pretending, she doesn't know how bad her life is going to be in a few years. Gretchen told me that she would like to stay home from school today and do whatever Micah and I are doing.


Shauntel said...

You should know that Jess and I are laughing outloud just picturing the play dough heart. "No, this is really what a heart looks like: THWACK."


Is it wrong that I'm kind of excited for Back to School Nights?

McArthur Family said...

you put a smile on my face. such cute kids.

p.s. you must seriously be in tune...your comments on my blog have been exactly what I've needed to hear in that moment. Thank you!

Kelli said...

Oh so funny.