The Stream

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Oh! Just Things

1)Meet my manager:


She manages everything:

From organizing the farm with a smile!


(Those furry things are alpacas for those NOT in the know)


Making our igloo nice and cozy

Frying the fish over the fire and volunteering to do it again and again. (Imagine that?)


And also taking real good care of our sled dogs (the dogs are the blocks for those of you NOT in the know)

The manager says she is going to open her own preschool now. She informed me that her start date is August 1st.

2)Then there is the stuff that I've been meaning to get to:

Like recovering the tops of my bar stools. The kids kept pulling off the upholstering fringe I had glued on it, so now they are back to their original wrapping paper selves, but neater!


And, washing my soap scummy shower curtains

Which reminded me to call the maintenance man to fix my clogged tub-- making my shower curtain soap scummy in the first place (We can we call Mr. Fix it in a flash? Because we RENT! And it's fabulous!) I also had him fix the girl's closet too and was going to ask him to fix dinner, but he said he had to go.

I also wiped off the chocolate smudge on the wall that I had my eyeball on for weeks and fixed my balancing act in the toy closet. It is no longer staggering, but it's not exactly steady, either.

3) I hate cheesey chips. They scare me, like this picture.


4)The studying continues. Only 56 more days to go and yes I'm counting!



Rachel Oswald said...

I think your little manager is quite clever and cute. I wonder where she gets it from??? LOVE your bar stools! Clever clever gals!

Jenny said...
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Jenny said...

I hate cheesy chips too.
But I LOVE the stools!

Dave and Mel said...

hey there, great stools...looks like a fun project. I loved the article on Hopscotch and even though I don't live right in the city I felt like I could totally relate. I've thought about submitted some stuff, I just need to get to it!! Got the DVD's printed, just FYI. do you guys have a break in Feb.? Let me know- mel

Larsen Family said...

Seriously I thought the alpacas looked like dead rodents so I am glad that you clarified.