So, Mat's been biking his little buns to work every morning to the VA. Every morning he walks in the doors clanking his bike shoes across the tiled floor sending off a smoke signal that he's arrived and ready to begin the day. AND, every morning he receives a warm welcome from the get my 5 cups of coffee in before I have to go to work crew. This group arrives extremely way early before they have to punch the card and we don't know why---- a social thing I guess. Anyway, they've become like his crazy so-called extended family, who are very friendly and nice. Picture Norm entering the bar at Cheers. That's Mat, but he's in his bike outfit and slightly glistening with perspiration.
On Monday, this particular morning had a bit of a quiver to it and called for warmer clothes--you got it, tights. He proceeds to put on the rest of his gear and arrives at the VA, does his usual tap dancing down the hall, but no welcome. No one looks at him, not a one. No one would even acknowledge he was there. In fact, Uncle Joe tells him to stop scratching up the floors with his shoes, to which Mat quickly reflexes, "I'm not scratching your floors." What happened? Well we think it was the tights because the next morning he wore his shorts and his family was all of sudden back and greeting him with a smile.
Conclusion, the world isn't ready for men in tights, bike tights. I don't want to start anything here, but I think I have every right to start a bike to work in Tights day, maybe a Tights parade, a Tights flag, maybe get a Tights law passed to accept those men wearing tights (Lawyer friends, Cheneys--Rollins help me out here). Maybe after everyone is desensitized to the tight spandex they will become more accepting and celebrate it rather than hate it.
HEE-LARIOUS! I always enjoy a good blog from you mickers! Kudos~Kiddo!
how come you didn't post pics of the bike tights. come on, if you're going to pass a new biking in tights day we need to see the visual, hee hee.
That is so funny. It is getting cold here in the morning too and Kolby has been dreading the day he has to wear his tights for the first time. I told him to wear an extra long shirt that today to cover up :)
I'm pretty sure we have a lawsuit on our hands here. Tight pants discrimination, that's what we'll call it. And when we win, the whole VA fam will be wearing tights. Tu-tus optional. ;)
Love it! I now have a fabulous vision of Norm entering Cheers in bike tights. Don't you worry, others will come around. All in good time... I'll have Kenny get right on that lawsuit - he'll be especially motivated since he too is a biker and IF we lived in a colder place he would be proudly sporting the bike tights.
p.s. Your Obama dream was halarious and your comment awhile back on the song "forever young" made me laugh out loud! What a song.
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