We later wandered down to the riverfront in search for the smallest park in the world. You might blink and mistaken it for a planter. People have written reviews on this little dollop and claim to have lovely picnics by it. I wanted to build a swingset out of popsicle sticks and weed the little park.

The blues festival was going on and our Harris eyes spotted alligator on a stick. Had to try it.

Tasted fishy to me, but chicken to the rest.

We also heard of a place called Voodoo donuts. They make little people out of donut dough, fill them with jelly (blood), frost them and add an outlined heart. Finish touch is a pretzel stabbed right through that outlined heart. It's very popular, open 24hrs with a line out the door. It was 9PM with a line still out the door. It moved fast and I couldn't help to notice the sign across the street that said "Keep Oregon Weird".

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