The Stream

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Hello, Mr. President

Mat and I flew to Washington DC to speak with the president directly about our ophthalmic issues, but he had a time conflict, so we were (Mat, I mean who are we kidding?) ahem...he was forced to settle for senators. I was his trusty CIA agent and protected him from any mishaps (earbud headphones and talking to myself really sells it to people on the sidewalks, something I do regularly anyway).

While Mat was in meetings, I skipped off to have lunch underneath the cherry blossoms with my dear friend Andrea. If Mat needed my CIA protection, he would have called. I had to fill the time somehow.

What a delight! The cherry blossoms were supposed to be out the week prior, but I guess they knew we were coming and waited. The next day it rained and their grippy strength could bare it no more. They were off like a light switch.

Back to Andrea, it is always fun to pick up right where you left off with her.  She makes me laugh, she's a character with many facial expressions, and her southern accent is charming. Kids are cute too and we watched them play in the water while we ate our sandwiches.

I later had dinner with Mat and the other Utah lobbyists.  Nice people. The meeting had gone entirely too long, so to amuse myself I cracked jokes in my head and thought I was hysterically funny.  I had to hide the laughter behind my water glass.


The next day, I joined up with a few of Mat's cousins, Holly and little P (who live in DC) and Kelly who lives in Montana. It was damp in the morning, but that blessed sunshine had found us by midday.

Washington DC April 2013

Saturday morning, Mat had all the meetings he could stand, so we took a long run around the Mall just as the sun was coming up. My favorite time of morning. It was beautiful and perfect running weather.

Washington DC April 2013
Two men I love.


We later had breakfast at Le Pain, but it was not painful at all! It was yummy, organic, French goodness. Not that I need organic, but it's always a bonus that makes you feel like you're going to be that much better that day. It was at this restaurant that we strategized  to visit the Newseum.



 It comes highly recommended from my personal self.  Worth the money and time and I dare say the best museum in DC.  My pictures are terrible, but even the bathroom is worth a visit, so you can read all of these misprints. One wall in the museum is dedicated to each states current newspaper for the day.  Think of all of the crossword puzzles those employees must have to do in order to go home. We also ran into Cal Ripken in the gift shop.

Washington DC April 2013

We met up with the cousins in Old Towne later that afternoon.  Again, another favorite find! If you've done all of the sweaty walking parts of the Mall, take the yellow line out to Kings street.  Lovely. Quaint brick sidewalks, a wharf, shops, boutiques, and food. We had fish and chips at Eamonns. Not organic, but good.

Washington DC 2013

Washington DC 2013

I am currently off duty from protecting Mat.  We flew home Saturday, which was a good thing because motherhood and housekeeping greets you as you first step in the door. It's nice to get adjusted before school and lunches, and backpacks, and chorus rides and scouts, and soccer practice...... Don't get me wrong, love my kids, I have just entered back into my focus mom mode. Shakes me up a bit for the first few days until my feet get wet again. Thanks to Mat's Mom and Dad and his sister for taking care of my gems. I knew they were in good hands and well protected, and that's saying something since I'm an agent myself.


Rachel Oswald said...

Looks like you managed to have a good trip despite Mr. President's busy schedule. You are looking good by the way, Mic!

jweed said...

Glad you made it without incident. You know that Matt (Weed) was living in a great house on King Street when we met and I decided I must have him for my own. I love old town Alexandria! And there is nothing more magical than the cherry blossoms on the mall. . .