The Stream

Friday, October 21, 2011

2011 Halloween Costumes Revealed

What are our contestants going to be for Halloween this year?

I tried to encourage them to think outside of the Tangled/Spiderman box and this is what they came up with ALL ON THEIR OWN.

Micah didn't step out of the box too much. Mic: "What do you want to be for Halloween?" Micah: "A princess." There she be:


Grecthen stepped out of the box and into a whole other box. Gretchen (said in her fast excited voice):"I want to be a Rockstar in an RV. It's my dream, ya know. Yes, that's what I want to be! You can get this box, do this to my hair, glitter, gold, big windshield...... You can make the trunk go up and that's where my trick or treat bag will be so they can just drop in the candy" Here's what we rigged up after she caught her breath.

She named it herself: G-RV (coming soon, spikey rock star hair. This was a trial run and I didn't have the energy)


And her genius invention to put her bucket in the boot so she doesn't have to carry it:


Becket stepped out a box and into a hole, a snake hole that is! Becket:"I want to be a cobra." I thought this was going to be easy to make, but when I got thinking about it, how was I going to get material that wouldn't fold and that I didn't have to sew?! I have outlawed sewing for the rest of my life. I took a personal oath and I refuse to put the needle with the thread. Luckily, Andrea had the grandest idea to buy  a sun shade for your car and paint it black. I finally got it painted it black after several variations of paint that would stick. We rigged and jigged and tweaked and creaked.  Here it is:


I am always relieved to have costumes designed and over with. I don't know why it taxes me until it's done. Well, yes I do know why it taxes me, I was born this way! Let's be honest. I have to give Mat credit, he is my go to for things I have no idea how to do. He's pretty much my go to for everything. So thanks Mat! On with the parties! Exciting!


Erin said...

Oh. my. rockstar. Gretchen's costume is the COOLEST! And the whole treats in the trunk!! Genius! You guys are too creative Mic. I love it! Your post showed up on your blog twice. I didn't mind - just read the whole thing again! The costumes are that cute.

And congrats to Mat! He looks so official in that picture!! Can you believe he is finally done with school and a real doctor now! What a journey you guys have been on. Where exactly are you right now?

StephanieRose said...

Gretchen's costume is AWESOME. Very creative girl! Also, I am digging the cobra.

Jeanette said...

Gretchen's RV rocks! I love the junk in the trunk, genius(: Becket's cobra is pretty awesome too! Who couldn't love a purple princess, doesn't every girl need to be a princess sometime in their life. Happy Halloween to the Harris! Mic you rock!

McArthur Family said...

your kids creative minds+your desire to make it happen= amazing costumes!!!!

Shauntel said...

So impressed. Knew you could do it. Now, please think of and create Belle's. Muchas gracias.


shelob said...

So now my costume where I threw on an old Shakespeare-ish dress and a flower wreath seems really, really LAME. Of COURSE Micah's a princess. LOVE the RV idea-- so will Gretchen say "Trick or Treat" and then turn around with her back to the door?

By the way, I just updated my blog . . .

Emily S. said...

You already have your costumes planned and made?! You go girl! We are just barely starting to think about our Halloween costumes. I am hoping Sarah sticks with her plan to be the same thing she was last year! Easy-peasy! I am very impressed with your costume skills!