The Stream

Friday, April 29, 2011

Flakes From Life

Ten years ago I was teaching 4th grade at Enoch Elementary. Don't remind me that it has been ten years. One day, I had my students write letters to themselves for the future. I promised that I would send them ten years later and that later is today.

I have remembered most of them and my little orange index cards I used to take notes on refreshed the memory a bit too.

It makes me wonder what they're doing. Are they living up to their potential? I'm hoping my letters will make it back to most of them. I hope to hear from some if not all of them. I know where life has taken me since then, I wonder where life has taken them.


The Singer Family said...

So fun! Time sure flies. I was teaching 10 years ago, even 11 years ago. How has it gone by so fast?

Kelli said...

That's awesome. I'm glad you remembered. Those kids will love that. You're made to be a teacher...

Emily S. said...

What a cool idea! I can't wait to hear the results.