The Stream

Friday, April 29, 2011

Becket's Changing the Earth One Drawing at a Time

Becket recently came downstairs pretty upset. When he's upset, he sticks one hand over his right brow to cover his stress and tears. Then, he can barely speak. His mouth gets all contorted because he is so sad about sharing the news that his mouth doesn't work right. (He takes after his mother). What could he possibly be so upset at? Oh, that would be the little creatures on the earth, ants, bees, flies....they are all getting killed for no reason.

Becket: " Dad, I just don't know why people kill bugs. It's not like they were doing anything! They were just looking for food, they didn't know it wasn't THEIR food. The food was just there so they ate it. Why can't people just feed them a little crumb and set them outside. That's all they really want. And Wesam..." again, hand goes to the brow, mouth contortions start wavering again "he just stomps on the ants at the playground at school." His hand is now pleading. " That's their home! They weren't doing anything wrong."

Mat: "....?"

The way Becket deals with issues is to immediately pick up a pencil and start drawing. Here's what our little activist came up with:

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