The Stream

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Blast from the Past

We recently signed up for a Netflix free trial and it has been so fun searching out my old childhood shows. I showed my kids Inspector Gadget, Rocky and Bullwinkle, Benji, Free Willy, the list goes on. I saw She Ra on there too. She would be an excellent role model for my girls. I used to love to find the hidden animal in each episode, what was that creatures name? Was it a bird? Someone out there has got to know! I used to watch a lot of Jem and the Holograms too, but I think I'll keep that hidden in my queue away from my children and watch it some late night when Mat is out of town. "Truly outratgious, her music's contagious, Jem!"

We also made cakes in Gretchen's Easy Bake oven that she got for Christmas this past weekend. Between this and working on uploading old pictures, I might as well start feathering my bangs and pegging my pants.


(Don't mind Micah swigging from the milk jug)


McArthur Family said...

yes! I loved Jem too.

Emily S. said...

Jem! I totally forgot! You are better than me to show your kids harmless cartoons. I have also been nostalgic and have showed my kids movies like footloose, girls just want to have fun and ladyhawke. With each one - Wes has turned to me and said..."why do you want the kids to see the worthless dumb movies!?" He's got a point :-)

Meagan said...

That is so funny! We also just started the netflix free trial and we also are re-living some oldies but goodies. Mason has been enjoying some favorites from our childhood, while Nic has been forcing me to watch old (really bad) sci-fi thrillers such as "THEM!" and "Night of the Lopus". Maybe I'll que up Jem and make Nic watch it.

Larsen Family said...

Jem is by far my favorite and no one ever remembers her. I didn't know you could netflix her, although I'm not sure my son would enjoy the program. Maybe for my eyes only!