I missed my first flight ever! I called to check and make sure my flight was on time while en route to to the Vegas airport and come to find out it had already left, 4 HOURS AGO. I wasn't told of the change so I was making a plan B with the Priceline operator to cut me some slack and not charge me any fees, which thankfully I wasn't. I did end up leaving the next morning at 6:45AM and luckily my Uncle lives in Vegas and had a place for my entourage to stay.
Here goes my Hollywood thank yous for sending me off:
Thank you to Mom.....you're too, too, too, kind for putting us up for a couple of months. My kids have bonded with their Grandma and miss her oh so much. Well, if you know the lady, she'll give you the shirt off her back to take care of you. We had such a nice time and got to do so many things with her. It was time well spent!
I'd like to thank Dannielle for the nice. new, and BIGGER carry-on bag that could be stuffed to the max with heavy items such as books! We also had time well spent with you and the fam too.
I'd also like to thank Aunt Trish for driving us down and I'd like to thank her van for not overheating while I had a quality/heartfelt conversation with the Priceline operator.
I'd like to thank Nan for letting us drop in and finding a port-a-crib for our dear baby Micah. Oh and thanks for the yummy muffins.
I'd like to thank an old acquaintance, Alicia Heideman, for lending us that crib.
Allie, tip of the hat to you, for letting us share your palace bedroom.
Uncle Scott, if it wasn't for you, I would have had a lot of strange looks and probably would have missed, yet, another flight. He even gave Micah his watch to play with while I did my gate check-ins. We forgot to give it back to him when we started down the terminal. When I realized it, I came running up the terminal to hand it off hoping he was there. If you can close your eyes and picture this.... it was a scene right out of a movie..."SCOOOOOOOTT, YOU FORGOOOOT YOUR WATCH!" In the meantime the flight attendant is flagging me down, but assuming she was mad, I chose to ignore her for the sake of the watch. Then I realized she was telling me that my Uncle Scott hadn't left (weep, slurp). He was waiting right where he left me at the gate. The flight attendant flashed me that flight attendant smile of hers and told me to scadattle.
Thank you kind stranger on flight 774. You were a parent having empathy for another parent and decided to see me to the baggage claim WITH
three over-stuffed, heavy, carry-ons, three carseats, one double umbrella stroller, and three kids.
Thank you Mat for picking us up. It was a relief to see you!