I can't believe the amount of time it takes to fly to the other side of the world. We made it here Sunday around noon, where did our Saturday go? We were able to sleep on the plane, however, my bones were quite achey in my own little confined space. 18 hrs was indeed a long enough flight for me.
We are staying at the holiday inn on the more westernized side of town. We can't drink the water and certain foods, but I did manage to find the Coke light to keep me awake. However it is 2am right now and I hope I can drift back to sleep.
We met with the humanitarian missionaries, Elder and Sister Jackson and Elder and Sister Morello before we were dropped off and made a plan for the week. We will visit some hospitals here in Manila tomorrow. Mat will also speak today at 1pm at a local hospital.
Tomorrow is a holiday for the Philippines so we'll see what is open tomorrow. We'll fly up to Cebu Wednesday and visit 3-4 hospitals up there and see about future visits. Our schedule will be filled, which I'm glad for. The humanitarian missionaries commented on how young we were. They thought they'd be getting someone their age. That always seems to throw them. Oh well, I figure our souls are all the same age. Right?
Word about the culture:
These are the Jeepneys they use to transport people. They have buses and taxis too.

The buffet for breakfast included....
Fish heads


As you can see, they are accommodating all kinds of breakfast favorites. Sadly, I usually just eat the oatmeal. Boring, but safe and filling.
The Filipinos really are a gentle and kind people. I feel very safe here. Over 90% of their country is Christian. One of the churches, iglesia ni Cristo, just celebrated their 100 yr anniversary. Lots of people filled a conference center like place (55,000) to come and worship on Sunday . There are 20 million just here in Manila and the newspaper read 100th million baby was just born in the whole country. Lots of people crammed under one roof, but they are beautiful.
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