The Stream

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Andrea: "Mat, I need you to come and clean out your closet. Love you, bye.""

What does he find besides his honking sized molars that he is now going to make into cufflings? THEE NINTENDO. Stoked.  When we got it home he hooked it up right away.  I heard a little banging around and a pounding on the machine to get it to work (which made me laugh, because I used to do this with ours too). Mat managed to remember every secret little coin and mushroom hidden in Mario Brothers and Contra. Back in business.



Becky and Jimmy said...

Wow! I'm so jealous. Those were the only video games I was ever any good at....

shelob said...

His molars were saved in the closet? Ew. Right up there with the jar of kidney stones one of my students has saved.

jweed said...

also very jealous about this. why couldn't you have discovered this while in WV?! guess this calls for a visit to SLC