The Stream

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Oh Thee Irony!

We are moving in 4 days and there some moving patterns I have to tell you about.

For one thing, I find it ironic that every time I move, I tend to find something INCREDIBLE for free or at a very low price. Incredible as in; Mat is going to die when I get this home and Lucy has got some splainin' to do. Ask Mel, Cheryl or Jocelyn when we left Hershey, we went to this massive yard sale down the street. Our strollers were a balancing act coming back with all this stuff we NEEDED (scored on a Thomas the Train table for my 2yr old at the time). When we moved from NC, there was this miniature little rocking chair that just kept speaking to me from the side of the road until I told Mat to turn around after a mile had past to return to get it. Of course, in the car he's saying "What for?" and in my head I am thinking of a million ways to justify it so I say "uh, nothing, just saw something" until I could come up with a reason why we had to have it.

This Move, well, this move is explosive! Especially, since we are downsizing houses by going with an apartment. The story, I stopped by the shady furniture store up the street to ask for some plastic to cover my mattresses. The guy tells me in his Marlin Brando voice that I can have whatever I want underneath the stairs outside. Okie dokie sir. While looking for plastic, my eyes zeroed in on THE white bench. I ran back and asked the man "Did you MEAN anything under the stairs?" His mafia face shot me a look like "Don't make me repeat myself woman!" So I stuffed it into my car and peeled out. With a little upholstery redo, because let's face it, this delicate formal fabric is not my style, this piece has potential. The bench even opens up. Joy!

Then I drove by again later that afternoon and found this red leather chair by the dumpster. I love, love, love, it! SWA-ANKY. It must of been my adrenaline pumping with excitement to get that sucker in my red van. probably not the prettiest sight since I was in a skirt.

I cleaned both furniture pieces up and did a thorough check for disgustingness. They both passed my standard. Sorry for misjudging you furniture mafia, I feel like you are family now. What a lucky day! Hmm, now I just have to convince Mat that he is so lucky too!


Psst: They passed Mat's standard of liking them! They furniture gets to stay, well, if they can fit into the truck.....and our apartment.


Kelli said...

Nice finds! I'm sure Andrea's garage has room if your apartment doesn't :)

Wendy P said...

Seriously, all I can think is "lucky"(think Napoleon Dynomite.) This stuff is awsome!