The Stream

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Meet Our New Pets

Very low maintenance, quiet, no cost for food, they come equipped with toys we created and we can leave them unattended when we go out of town... ba ba da Ruby our hamster and Bunny, well our bunny.


They're the wee little critters right in front of their cages.


Erin said...

Those are the cutest pets I've ever seen! Very low maintenance in deed. Your son is so creative! Wonder where he gets that from? :)

Melanie said...

Ha Ha Ha Ha!!!! He is such a fun kid.

Emily S. said...

Very creative!

Rachel Oswald said...

Now those are my kind of pets. I could handle taking care of those little guys. PS I love your booger green eyes too!

Dave and Mel said...

Tell Gretchen I love to eat out of my shoe too, great flavor booster :)