Best of 20091. This is the 100th post since blogging in April
2. Mat's road bike (two things at once: transportation and toning)
3. Revisiting Utah
4. Traveling to Minneapolis in the summer. Absolutely beautiful and I absolutely miss it (except not now cuz it would be like negative cold)
5. Mat getting accepted to a plastics fellowship
6. Celebrating 10 years of marital blissfulness.
7. Attempted skimboarding and I LIKED it!
8. My brother Casey getting married to a dandy of a lady.
9. Still amazed at Mr. Phelps swimming relay. Don't "BLEK!" me because it's over played, it was supernatural.
10. Going on the best Rhino ride of my entire life, well the only Rhino ride of my entire life, but I guarantee it will always be the best.
11. Honey crisp apples straight from the furm (southern Utah for farm)
12. My boob job and tummy tuck.
Worst of....1. Gretchen cut her hair
2. Gas price went down (good) but people aren't as tolerant of road bikers on a narrow neck of land my husband rides on.
3. Chipped not one but two teeth this year. What's up with thirties? or my teeth?
4. We were robbed Man!...but props to Nationwide for being on our side.
5. Just a dream that I had a boob job and tummy tuck. Frown.
Best of QuotesMat: Gretchen, how come you didn't go to the bathroom? Gretchen: Um, because I peed in the bathtub."
Becket: Hey Dad, doctors help sick people feel better. Mat: Do you know any doctors? Becket: Uh, No.
Mat: " Becket, leave your coati gear at home" (band, tail, gloves) Becket: "You mean I just have to be myself?"
Mic walks out into the living room with her highlight foils strung through her hair. Gretchen: "Uh, hey Mom, you being a reindeer... for a second?"
Gretchen: "I WANT A PANCAKE!" Mic: "Did you forget to say the magic word?" Gretchen: " Hokus Pokus!"
Mic: "Becket, I found Ruffy (stuffed animal)!" Sniff, sniff, slurp. Mic: "Becket, are you crying?" Becket:"These are just happy tears, Mom."
Gretchen putting on her new tankini swimwear: "OH NO! MOM! My swimsuit is broken."
Becket:: " I'm so good, I scare myself!"
Becket:: " Mom, I already know about God, so I don't have to go to church."
Doctor: "Now Becket, I need to look under your underpants. What kind of underpants are you wearing?" Becket: "I'm not wearing any underpants." Mic: "Eek! You're not!?" Becket: "No! I'm wearing underWEAR."
Gretchen trying to coerce Becket into sharing his newly found birthday toys says: "Becket, it is a good choice to share. It is foolish not to share."
Gretchen slipped and fell down in the bathtub. "Whoops, I just got baptized!" she exclaimed.