I loved that our friend Colleen could join us this year for our family Christmas party. She just makes the party delightful! She is one of those that you have to listen real close because everything she says is utterly hilarious.
She even prepared a talent "Boy named Sue" for our traditional talent show that evening.
Can you please come to Christmas, and New Years, and Martin Luther King Day, and Groundhog Day.... life just is better with you there.
Andrea is the expert on the way she welcomes everyone and makes everyone comfy in her home. She just has the knack! Thank you awesome O great one.
Eric and his daughter Amber dominated leg wrestling this year. I will personally pay anyone who can beat Amber $20 bucks to shut her down. I don't have a picture of her because she was so intimidating.
Some horseshoe action
uh, I don't mess around with horseshoes. I secretly want to play around the world in horseshoe tournaments.
Listening to my nieces and nephews sing around the piano while I work on a puzzle is a real treat. Oh! There's Amber sitting by the piano. Yup, the girl dominates in singing too.
My oldest nephew just got engaged to this darling soulmate and look how they spend their time.
Mat and the girls performed Radioactive by Imagine Dragons, while Becket showed his artwork.
Job well done
Kjars stole the show with their warm up to Juanito Banditio.
We later left to the Jaundito Bandito Christmas Show shortly after we snapped a picture of all of the grandkids.
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