The Stream

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Christmas with our Little Family

Christmas Eve

Mat and I lucked out and popped in some tokens on a game that never ends-(the snowmobile game: located in the right front corner of the fun park.) We also played laser tag as a family. I like to think I'm way stealthier than I am and I always get a tad disappointed and surprised in my performance. It doesn't help when Micah stands right behind you and keeps shooting like a pesky insect that won't leave you alone.

-Indian Food (Becket has brains in his hands not good quality Indian food. I didn't want you to be fooled)
-Christmas Eve program with Glen and Pam at the Good Shepherd Lutheran Church-the candle lighting was spectacular.
-Retiring on the couch to try and catch Santa.

Christmas Day

In my opinion, the best thing about Christmas Day is lounging around the house tinkering with new stuff, trying to figure out how it works. Endless. Oh! And, just the pure excitement in the kids to get us up and get going.

We also saw the movie Frozen and headed up to Honeyville to swim in the hot springs.  We had the whole place to ourselves and the steam gave off this erie coolness.

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