That's usually what I do when Mat's out of town. Organize. Pick one closet, cupboard, or messy creepy corner and bam it into containers! The exercise room was having less room to exercise:) I headed out and grabbed some containers and I got right down to it. It took me just a night to muck it out and boy did I have fun doing it. It clears the cobwebs in my head. Pure meditation.
Mat's got so many brilliant projects going and sometimes not going that we needed to "contain" them. After I had finished, I simply pulled up a chair plopped down facing my finished project and soaked it all in. I was a tad sore the next day, but oh so worth it!
It's so blurry, but just wanted to show you the room I have to exercise now.
Gretchen thought she had this leftover container marked, but I always find a use for containers! I used it for a bigger holiday storage box.
Organizing is also my activity of choice when nic is gone. Just thought I better make my presence known so you know that I indeed follow your blog. We need to get together one of these days.
I am in such a rut...what can I pay you to come jam my closets into containers? j/k I need to over this anxiety I have about projects!
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