The Stream

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Mac and Cheese and PRT's

There are little things in this life that cause us to squeal with glee and these are just a few of them

1 case of mac and cheese
1 flat counter
1 tall dad



Tower O' Cheese

Making dominoes out of the boxes also has an equal effect.

PRT (Personal Rapid Transit used for WVU coeds)
$3.00 in quarters
Money for ice cream (optional)

Pure joy on Greti's face, it was so funny.


Pretty fall colors to be found


the Gelato on High Street is dangerously good.



Kelli said...

I love it! It looks like you guys have been having a lot of fun! I especially love Gretchen's face in the PRT pic. Ha!

The Singer Family said...

I always love seeing what fun and zany things the Harris family is up to. You guys make me smile!

Shannon Stoker said...

Tell Mat the Mac and cheese tower is seriously impressive. Also loved Gretchen's smile at the train.

Rachel Oswald said...

Thank heavens for tall daddies! Love the zombies comment, and Greti's excited face is just priceless!