Caterpillar Pizza and Candy Sushi with Andrea- because she is nice and invited us over.
Biscuit Dough

Candy Sushi
Rice Krispies Treats
Fruit Roll-ups
Google the rest for better instructions because I won't attempt to explain!
I obviously need help with my sushi rolling--I won't be applying for any sushi jobs soon.

And finally, as a family we got invited to go to dinner at this Christian Community house. It's kind of like that movie the Village? It is a group of Christians who have committed themselves to serving the Lord and each other by living in these communities. It kind of protects them from the rest of the world. They run a few businesses to support themselves. They have communities set up all over the world, England, Germany, New York, Pennsylvania. If you join the community you have to live by two rules 1.the golden rule 2. If you have beef with someone you go directly to them and work it out. You do not go talk about it to someone else.
They all try to contribute in some way to help their community--being trained as a doctor, carpenter, taking care of a house...Anyway, at dinner, they answered all of our questions what do you believe, why do you dress the way you do (Plain dress for the women with a handkerchief covering for their hair, Men sport the usual wear, but basic, nothing attention seeking)? How do you date? No TV? And, oddly enough I felt we had a lot of the same beliefs, we were not so different.
They let us participate in one of their traditions, the lantern walk. They light lanterns and sing German songs as they walk around their neighborhood. This is done sometime in the Fall season. Afterword, they eat homemade doughnuts and cider. Some of them talk with sort of a Dutch accent.
I just thought I would share. I was touched by these people and their purity to want to do good. It was a safe love that you can't help but walk away feeling happy.
The Lantern walk. They all harmonized really well when they sang their tunes. My face ached from perma grin.

Homemade Paper Laterns--they were great and so pretty at night with their glowing candle.

The homemade dough nuts were so good. I had 3 and when I got home I wished I would have had one more. That's how good they were!

Proof that the dough nuts were good

Seriously, how do you find out about all of these random things in town. It is awesome. Now you need to make homemade doughnuts and post some pics.
Mic, can I just tell you how much I love your posts. I look forward to catching up on your guys' fun life and always laughing at your hillarious kids. Thanks for the funnies. P.S., your youngest is seriously a mini-you!! :) I love it!!
Wow - that sounds like a really cool party! I love stuff like that - and miss it.
That little girl is nuts! Her sleeping photos always crack me up.
Wish we could have made it to Hershey, glad you had fun. Also, I live by Liz Hughes and made the connection that you two know each other. Small world!
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