Gretchen puked in the car just before we dropped Mat off to work. Five stoplights later, it hits Micah. The fun begins!

I did end up with a clean van, but not by choice. Micah digs the van, so she didn't mind one bit.

Loads upon loads of laundry

Loads upon loads of TV watching

In someways it's nice to have an excuse to stay home. I got caught up on my stack of magazines that I had been wanting to go through and I finished my book.
sorry you all were sick. Vomits are the worse. And the loads of laundry. did you sell your house?
I'm so sorry to hear you guys have been sick! I'm glad it isn't this Swine crap. Kind of scary. Hope you're all back to your usual entertaining selves soon. :)
Washing car seats is the WORST!
Oh, Blech! Hate car vomit (who doesn't).
Oh I am so sorry. That is the worst! Hope it's over fast.
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