The Stream

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Winter and Resolutions

Winter is here.  I kind of liked Becket's perspective on his snowman.  He told me he wanted him to look up into the sky to watch for the sun to melt him.


I made a paper chain for our thirty day challenge.  Mat and I are trying to kick the habit of our sugar sweets, while the kids are trying to go without Nutella for 30 days (I also promised them we would make muddy buddies since we didn't make them over the holidays.)


They were mad that I put, just for a day.

Becket and Gretchen are starting to learn the guitar.  I figure Mat could help them with any questions and they could jam together.


They are also learning how to ski.  Their first ski lesson was last Saturday.  I was a little nervous when I saw the class didn't exceed the age of 6.  Becket was a little nervous too! The instructor informed me that they advance at their level, so they weren't going to be stuck on orange level forever.


After the ski process of the lift ticket, skis, instructors, we found ourselves outside getting some fresh air before the class started.


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