The Stream

Monday, March 16, 2009

Close Encounters of the Durham Kind

Shhh! I'm reporting about two strange curiosities around Durham that the Harris family have often wondered about. They're creepy and far-out (insert: ewwww eee ewwhoo noises). This is what I found, mums the word my good Watson!

The big, green, tower in the middle of no other big, green, towers or any towers for that matter is called University Tower. It stands alone behind a McDonalds and Super Target. We found out that this a building that supports many businesses Wachovia, Bank of America, AIG (for now) within its glass walls. We twisted the security guards arm (Jack Bauer style) into letting us take the tower to the top, but he said in his cute little African accent, "You won't be able to see anything from the top because the restaurant is closed." We went anyway just to satisfy ourselves. 17 floors later we walked out to locked doors and a ritzy menu. I asked if you could make reservations at the restaurant and Mr. Security Guard told me that only club members were invited. Becket asked, "What does being a member mean?" Simultaneously, Mat and I replied, "Rich people." Becket "Are we rich?" Simultaneously, Mat and I laughed.

Next on our field trip, the strange house thingys off of MLK (insert: wahoeee eewww ooo). We still don't know much about these houses after our investigation, except that they are octagon shaped, green friendly with their rain barrels and that the construction man liked Taco Bell.


That's all, continue on.


Erin said...

First of all, picturing you saying "mums the word my dear Watson" for some reason brought back high school memories with Brooke and Mic which usually involved acting very dumb and laughing until we cried. Secondly, I laughed out loud when I read Wachovia bank. Kenny and I had an account there in VA and I always pronounced it wrong like "watchovia" so we called it the "watch over ya" bank...and had all kinds of stupid jokes that went along with it. Most of which are too dumb to mention on your blog. But I know if you and I were in just the right mood...we would laugh until we cried.

melancholyjune said...

you post 2 of my fav durham curiousities! the green wieney and the ark. i think the ark is supposed to be "green sustainable" housing. the ark sounds kinda like something from "Lost". and the green wieney, the large and spacious building. thanks for sharing these with the rest of us who can no longer enjoy such fascinating architectural "eye candy"

Stoker Family said...

I have to agree with you on both of those items, very odd indeed. Make sure you go to Saxapaha at least once before you guys move. It starts up in April or May.

Emily S. said...

You photos are gorgeous as always! Makes me want to visit Durham.